Burts- how I became financially free in 2023

1 min readMay 29, 2023


I became financially free from Forex & OFM! Back when I was 15/16 I realised there was way more to life than just working a 9–5 everyday & hoping you get a promotion. I took it into my own hands & made it a living. I first started OFM back in 2022 & I was outreaching to models to work with. This resulted in endless sleepless nights where I had to be up to try my best to get models to reply.

After all the hard work it finally paid off. I signed my first client! I then scaled her up & she is now doing £10,000 if not more a month! I then signed another client not too long after that & scaled her up £20,000 a month & I still have both of these clients with me today.

I used to get called crazy by your average people for expressing my passion about an online business but it all paid off & you can start too! If you head over to my instagram (burtsofm) you can send me a DM & I’ll be sure to get back to you.




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